Farrel Mahaztra
I'm currently a computer science undergraduate and have been working remotely as a software engineer for ~6 years while based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Most recently, I've been working on 10x better spaced repetition software at RemNote.
I've been interested in and concerned about the problem of AI alignment for a long time. I'm currently in the project phase of AI Safety Fundamentals as a participant and simultaneously working through the ARENA curriculum independently, with the aim of eventually working on technical AI safety research. In terms of research directions, I am particularly interested in model organisms of misalignment and developing more rigorous methods for evals.
During my spare time, I like learning new Japanese and Indonesian recipes, min-maxing strategy games like Civilization and Crusader Kings, reading/watching/thinking about sci-fi, and helping out people interested in starting a career in tech.
I'd like to build and do things that make our world (and future worlds) a better place to be in — less hostile, more creative, more thoughtful, and overall more free.
I'm currently not available for consulting. However, if you'd like to have a chat about anything at all, email me at hello [at] [thisdomain] or DM me on Twitter.

Fusion Gardens of Kepler-186f, Midjourney (2024).